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22-033   2-piston caliper, Harley Davidson
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The 22-033 2-piston caliper can be used both front and rear on any Harley.

The 22-033-OC/OD is a bolt on replacement for wide glide evo Harleys. Either with the standard H-D disc or, for even more enhanced brake performance, with ISR discs.

We recommend a 17.5 mm master cylinder for a pair of these calipers and a 14 mm M/C for single use.

22-033 2-piston caliper

Technical data
Part number
(Click on Part# to view image)
22-033-OC (RH) H-D std. disc size
22-033-OD (LH) - " -
22-033-OE (RH)
22-033-OF (LH)
Piston diameter 43 mm (x2)
Piston material Tufram coated aluminium alloy
Pad type Ferodo FDB 342 (x2)
Pad area 22.1 cm2
Swept height of disc 43 mm
Disc size OC/OD 293 mm
Disc size OE/OF 220 - 300 mm
Disc thickness 4.5 - 6.0 mm
Hydrualic threads M10 x 1.25
Weight incl. pads 0.87 kg
Surface finish Clear anodised

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